Nursery Aleph (3 year-olds)

Nursery Bet (4 year-olds)

Welcome to Mercaz!

At Mercaz Academy, we provide a hands-on learning program which focuses on the development of each child in a stimulating, warm and loving Jewish environment. We nurture a child’s natural sense of wonder and curiosity by exploring the world with them. We utilize the most current preschool curricula available in math and language, and we use inventive ways to teach the standards. Our goal is to give our students a rich and diverse educational experience that fosters their sense of self and an appreciation for the world around them.

A deeper look at our curriculum

While our Toddler program focuses on many aspects of social-emotional growth. As the students separate from their parents for the first time, they are enveloped by a warm and inviting classroom experience. Our child-driven instruction cultivates each toddler’s desire to learn through fun activities and projects. Topics are threaded throughout the year based on the children's interests and growing capabilities. Through song, movement, and play, the students will learn fundamentals for education, including ABCs, numbers and Aleph bet, while also learning the fundamentals of Jewish life and how to interact with their peers. 

In Nursery Aleph, more formal exposure to the first principles of learning begins. The students continue their study of the Aleph bet, numbers, and ABCs. Each week, the students are introduced to a new letter which is then incorporated into other disciplines, including science and math. Additionally, science and math units are often connected to the Judaic curriculum (for example, a unit on pairs coincides with the weekly Torah reading of Parshat Noach – animals two by two). The students’ experiences are enriched by weekly trips to the school library, Ulpan Center and gym, as well as by in-class music appreciation. In Ulpan, not only are the students introduced to the Hebrew language but they are imbued with a love of Israel and Judaism. Our students expand their love of Judaism throughout the day as they learn about Shabbat, brachot (blessings), tzedakah (gift giving), and Jewish holidays. 

Once your child reaches Nursery Bet, the “Fundations” curriculum supports the students’ emerging understanding of letter recognition, alphabetical order, and phonetic awareness. We use many fun activities as well as table work to build the strong foundation needed for reading. Each week, the children are introduced to two new letters. As the year progresses, our students begin their program of formal letter writing. Our Math Through Literacy program introduces standard math concepts on a preschool level. At the same time, our students learn the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph bet). We continue to expand our Hebrew vocabulary with each new letter and spread the warmth of Jewish life throughout our lessons. 

Our integrated and sequenced Early Childhood Center program prepares your child—academically, socially, and emotionally--to leave our preschool ready for kindergarten and beyond.


Joanne Mlotok

ECC Director


Nursery Bet Teacher

Alyssa Silberman

Nursery Aleph Teacher

Esther Vaknin

Nursery Aleph Teacher